“Subject” at The University of Sydney (Gallery in the Sky Bridge)

“Representation of Dead White Men”, MMXXII. Acrylic (house paint mis-tints) on (discarded) canvas (banner). Approx. 5000 x 2000 mm.

“Atropos, The Countess of Lopfen”, MMXXII. Acrylic (house paint mis-tints) on (discarded) canvas (banner). Approx. 5000 x 2000 mm.
(Goya’s “Atropos, the Fates” conflated with a probably apocryphal story from the German peasant war of 1525, in which the Countess of Lopfen demanded that 1200 of her serfs find her snail shells to use as spools for her thread... the fates, of course, would spin the thread of a man’s life and Atropos would cut it at its end.)

“Technofeudalism II: Great Replacement”, MMXXII. Lime wash on (discarded) poly/cotton (bedsheet). Approx. 2100 x2100 mm.
(Elon Musk and his many children... he keeps talking about population collapse but any demographer will tell you that it’s not a thing... exept in the European population... gross.)

“Cephalophore, Cure for M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)”, MMXXII. Oil on canvas. 1016 x1016 mm.

“Paleo Monolith on Neolith”, MMXXII. Oil on canvas. 1016 x1016 mm.
(Neolith is a kind of “engineered stone, of the kind that keeps giving stonemasons silicosis. The meat is a painting of Paul Thek’s “Meat Piece with Warhol Brillo Box”.)